"Dazed and Shirtless Jay Starfire" circa 2015

"Dazed and Shirtless Jay Starfire" circa 2015

Visual Artist, Video Content Creator, and Comedy Space Opera Enthusiast

Hello there, I’m Jay. Graphic designer for 25 years; Video content creator for far fewer. I make sci-fi vector art, Star Wars illustrations, and space/scifi gaming videos on YouTube and Twitch.

My video game journey began on the Atari 2600 and my beloved 12MHz IBM PC — Sierra and Lucasfilm point-and-click adventures got me hooked on PC games. Then Wing Commander and X-wing vs. TIE Fighter came along and changed my life forever.

About “The Starship” livestream show

The Starship is a video game space opera set on a spacecraft of unknown origin. Comedy, video games, and space exploration keep the crew content. They like going fast, too. I’m the pilot and sole artist and producer. Space, video games, and comedy were my childhood comforts and heavily inspire my art and videos.

If you have a design need you can reach out to me on Twitter for commissions or a simple “Hello there.” Thank you and keep looking up!